
Links und Literatur

Start Java

Start Java with more memory

java -Xmx512m

Enforce a certain Java Version

java -version:1.4

Compile and run Java Programs

The separator in Windows is not ":" but ";".

This is how you use a .java file to create a .class file

javac -classpath "foo/bar.jar:foo/tests.jar:../foo.jar"

You need to list all jar files that you need to compile your code, but not the ones that you use indirectly during runtime

This is how you create jar files

jar cf MyJar.jar

See also how to create JAR files.

How to run you Java program (now you need all the jar files, also the ones that are indirectly called during runtime)

# java -classpath "foo/bar.jar:foo/tests.jar:../foo.jar:../misc.jar" MyClass

Java debug

When you start your Java program like this on an remote host you can connect to it with your IDE and debug the running program

java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n ...

This here ensures that the program waits for your debugger to connect before it starts, so you do not miss the start


In Eclipse you can configure the debugger like this

open debug dialog
remote java application
hostname + port where your program runs

Data Containers


Java Classes



int i     = 4711;
Integer j = i; // j = Integer.valueOf(i)
int k     = j; // k = j.intValue()


int x,y;
Foo a, b;

x==y // (1)

a==b // (2)

a.equals(b); (3)
  1. For primitive types just compares if they have the same value
  2. For non primitive types checks if both names point to the same object in memory
  3. This is the way to check if they have the same value, but you need to implement equals correctly for your classes for this to work

If you do not implement equals for your classes, this is the default (only true if both names point to the same object in memory)

public boolean equals( Object obj )
  return ( this == obj );

Lets say you have a class that has an primitive attribute called bar and only if that is the same for two objects. Then a possible implementation for equals would be this

public boolean equals( Object obj )
  if ( obj instanceof Foo ) {
    Foo tmp = (Foo) obj;
    return (bar ==
  return super.equals( obj );

Check that you really expect as parameter an Object and not the class that you write the equals method for. So NOT like this

//public boolean equals(Foo fooObj) {...};

When you implement equals be share that if a.equals(b) then also a.hashcode()==b.hashcode() (if the hash codes are equals objects can be not equal). Eclipse can implement reasonable defaults for equals() and hashcode().

When you compare objects watch out if one or both of them can be null. Always call equals on the one that can not be null, if both can be null check for null before you call equals Ist z.B. a potentiell null, b hingegen nicht, kann man das equals von a natürlich nicht aufrufen

a.equals(b); // needs at least a!=null
b.equals(a); // needs at least b!=null
Objects.equals(a, b); // null safe

Conditional Expressions

You assign a value, which value depends on a condition

//if(foo) max=5; else max=6;
int max=(foo) ? 5 : 6;

Be carefule when the values you assign have different types.

Short-circuit evaluation

(German Kurzschlußoperatoren) When you have a OR b and a is already true you do not really need to check b (because no matter what b is, the result will be true anyhow). Similar with a AND b when a is false, result can not be true anymore. But maybe you want to evaluate b anyhow because it has some side effects (I would not recommend that). This is how you can control this

boolean b1 = true || foo();  // (1)

boolean b2 = true | foo();   // (2)

boolean b3 = false && foo(); // (3)

boolean b3 = false & foo();  // (4)
  1. foo() is not called
  2. foo() is called
  3. foo() is not called
  4. foo() is called

Compound Assignment Operator

x=x+y;  // (1)
x+=y;   // (2)
x=+y;   // (3)
  1. Normal assignment
  2. Short version of (1) but tries to cast y to the type of x
  3. Looks like (2) but just assigns x the value of y without any calculation

This is valid Java code (but unexpected result as 128 does not fit into a byte)

byte x=0;
int  y=128;

This is not valid Java code

byte x=0;
int  y=128;

Also in (2) x has to be a primitive type (or boxed) or String

Object x = "Hello";
String y = "World";

x = x + y;  // OK
x += y;     // Error

Methods with flexible amount of parameters

The last parameter is then an array with all the values you provided

void foo(String foo, int... x)

foo("Hello", 1, 42, 8);

Hiding class attributes

public class Bar {
 private int x;

 void foo(int x) {
   this.x=x;     // (1)
   this.x = 12;  // (2)
   x = 12;       // (3)
  1. assign the parameter to the attribute
  2. assign to the attribute
  3. assign to the parameter (bad style, make all parameters final


Mark methods that override a method in a father class with this annotation

public void foo( int alter )

Lazy Initialization

Delay the (maybe expensive) initialization of classes until you really need them (maybe you will never need them after all)

Usually you may calculate values during object construction

public class Bar {
 private final Integer foo;

 public Bar() {

 public Integer getFoo() {
   return foo;


But you can delay that until it is read for the first time

public class Bar {
 private Integer foo;

 public Bar() {

 public synchronized Integer getFoo() {
  return foo;


For static attributes you can add a small static class that contains only that attribute and the calculation. Only when you use it for the first time in your main class the helper's class initalization will start. You don't need to add a synchronized.

public class Bar {
 private static class FooHolder {
  static final Integer foo = initFoo();

 static Integer getFoo() {

But even when you have a non static attribute you can avoid the synchronized on the get method (which is expensive) by using the double-check idiom

public class Bar {
 private volatile Integer foo;

 public Integer getFoo() {
  // cheap check
  Integer tmp=foo;
  // only if still null check again with synchronized
  if(tmp==null) {
   synchronized(this) {
 return tmp;

It is important that the attribute is volatile so changes to it will reach all threads. If a thread finds it to be still null the initialization will be done synchronized to avoid multiple initializations. If you don't mind multiple initializations you can skip this, that is called single-check idiom.

The local variable tmp is not required but is supposed to speed up the method.


Use final to prevent that values can be changed again

final int x=3;
x=4; // (1)

final Foo y=new Foo();
y=new Foo(); // (2)
y.changeSomethingInside();   // (3)
  1. Not possible
  2. Not possible
  3. Still possible to call methods on y that change something internally (unless all attributes of Foo are also final)

Use final to prevent other classes to inherit from your class

public final class Bar
 // ...

Use final to prevent other classes to override your method

class Foo
 final void bar();


  // ...
  return 5;
 catch ( Exception e )
  System.err.println("finally"); // (1)
  return 7;                      // (2)
  1. finally block are exectued after the return or after an Exceptions have been caught
  2. returns in finally blocks are possible but not recommended. They overwrite the value of the actual return in the try block and if there was an exception it is lost


This is a small example to show the order in which your code is executed by having all return statements using a small helper method the "calculate" the return value. This method will print the result so you see the order

public static String getStringValueAndLogIt(String pValue)
 System.out.println("Here is your String value: "+pValue);
 return pValue;

public static String doSomething(boolean pDoException)
 System.out.println("Method entered");
  System.out.println("Try block entered");
  if(pDoException) throw new Exception("Bang!");
  return getStringValueAndLogIt("NormalReturn");
 catch(Exception e)
  System.out.println("Exception occured");
  return getStringValueAndLogIt("ExceptionReturn");
  System.out.println("Finally block entered");
  // not recommended to have return in the finally block
  return getStringValueAndLogIt("FinallyReturn");
Without ExceptionWith Exception
Method entered
Try block entered
 Exception occured
Here is your String value: NormalReturnHere is your String value: ExceptionReturn
Finally block entered
Here is your String value: FinallyReturn
Return is "FinallyReturn"

In both cases first the normal return is called and then then finally block. This makes sense, as the return itself may also cause an exception when calculation the return statement. The return in the finally block eventually overwrites the first return. This may be surprising.

Custom Exceptions

public class MyException extends RuntimeException
  public MyException () {

  public MyException ( String s )  {
    super( s );

Java Generics

When you would have multiple almost identical classes that only differ by an inner type then maybe Generics in Java are a way for you to avoid code duplication


* @see  Bar
* @link Bar
* @version 1.01
* @author John Doe
* @param x A number
* @param y Another number
* @return This method always returns 5
* @exception NumberFormatException
* @throws    NumberFormatException
* @category Setter
* @deprecated Since yesterday

public int foo(int x, float y)
  return 5;



kill -3 PID;
jstack PID;


Conditions that if ever not true will throw an AssertionError exception

Sicherstellen dass die gegebene Bedingung erfüllt ist

assert i >0;
assert i > 0 : "i must be greater than 0";

But it needs to be enabled when starting the program

java -enableassertions     foo
java -enableassertions:bar foo



Files ander directories


Regular Expressions

With Backreference you can could parts out of a String a put them back together in a different way. Easy example you hava data in this format


and want to have it in this form


Then you could match day, month and year with a regular expression and access them afterwards with $1, $2, $3

string s=s.replaceAll("([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)", "$3-$2-$1");
  • Regular expressions are slow and other String operations might be much better
  • Especially for data formats there are other solutions, check for SimpleDateFormat or DateTimeFormatter in Java Data Time.

Create from a normal String a Regexp that matches the String (useful for creating escape characters) String s=java.util.regex.Pattern.quote("Hallo Welt");

This escapes the whole area


Class c=null;
  c = Class.forName("foo");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
  // ...


Create your own Annotation

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

public @interface XMLGeneratorAnnotation
    String elementName() default "";
    int    elemntOrder() default 0;

Check if a random object has your annotation on any attribute in it

for(Field f : myObject.getClass().getDeclaredFields())
    MyAnnotation a=f.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e)

Check all methods of a random object

for(Method m : myObject.getClass().getDeclaredMethods())

    ElementContainer container=new ElementContainer();

    MyAnnotation a=m.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);
    catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException  | InvocationTargetException e)

Apache Commons

Very useful extra Java code for you Apache Commons.

Convert objects to Strings


new ToStringBuilder(this).append("Name: ", name).append("ID: ", id).toString();

String to Number

Integer.parseInt("042", 10);

0 Padding

Ensure String has 4 characters, if less add 0 at the beginning

String s=String.format("%04d",year);



Flags '0' (0 Padding) Conversion 'd' Integer, 'f' Float, 't' date, 'T' Time

Binary Code

See also BinaryCode


Java Properties

Useful to configure your program so you don't need code changes for that

import java.util.Properties;


 // System properties (java -Dvariable=value)
 Properties systemProperties=System.getProperties();

 // Properties found in a file in the classpath, will also
 // contain the values from the system properties
 Properties fileProperties  =new Properties(systemProperties);
 URL url =  ClassLoader.getSystemResource("");
 fileProperties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(url.getFile())));

 // Properties we will fill with the code during runtime
 // will also contain the file properties (and with them also
 // the system properties)
 Properties extraProperties =new Properties(fileProperties);      

 // changes to the top level properties objects ...
 systemProperties.setProperty("test.helloworld", "Hello world");
 // ... are also reflected in their children
 String message=extraProperties.getProperty("test.helloworld");
 // debug output

Java Preferences

Set preferences for the user that runs our program. Will be stored automatically in a per user configuration file. For Windows operating system in the registry

Preferences prefsRoot = java.util.prefs.Preferences.userRoot().node("de.tgunkel.Java.Demo.Preferences");

// read the already stored values
String  name    =prefsRoot.get(       "name",     "unknown");
Double  weight  =prefsRoot.getDouble( "weight",   0.0);
Boolean selected=prefsRoot.getBoolean("selected", false);
Long    id=      prefsRoot.getLong(   "id", 0L);

// store new values
prefsRoot.put       ("name",      "John Doe");
prefsRoot.putDouble ("weight",    90.01);
prefsRoot.putBoolean("selected",  true);
prefsRoot.putLong   ("id",        1234567L);



Java Memory

  • Stack: A method's local and primitive variables are stored on the stack.
  • Heap: Newly created objects end up in Eden Space / "young generation". Objects there are statistically often created and quickly abandoned. After a Garbage Collector run, all objects that covered it go to Survivor Space. After a few runs, the surviving objects end up in the tenured generation / old generation. Moving the objects has costs, but this can result in contiguous memory areas.
  • Non-heap memory: Cross-thread memory that the Java VM needs for internal purposes. E.g. information per class, method, constructors, but also constants. Called permanent generation, although memory need not be permanent. In addition, there is the code cache.


GUI with Java


Java Swing

Java in Websites

Java Applet

Java is run on the client computer Sun Java Applet Tutorial

import javax.swing.JApplet;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class HelloWorld extends JApplet
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 public void init() {};

 public void start() {};       
 public void stop() {};

 public void paint(Graphics g)
  g.drawRect(20, 20, getSize().width - 40, getSize().height - 40);
  g.drawString("Hello world!", 40, 40);

 public void destroy() {};


This is embedded in a website like this

<applet width=300 height=300 code="HelloWorld.class"> </applet>

JavaServer Pages and Servlets

Java is run on the server JavaServer Pages und Servlets

RMI and WebServices

Verteilte Programmierung mit RMI und WebServices

Java SSL

See content of the keystore

# keytool.exe -list -keystore my_keystore
Enter keystore password: ********
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
XXXX, 18.03.2014, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Check a jar with jarsigner for valid signatures

# jarsigner.exe -verbose -certs  -verify myfile.jar





Java Version Changes


Tools for Java development


Java for Android
