Convert VOB files with Transcode into another video format.
Select a different audio channel, don't select a non existing audio channel or your VOB files will only be read once and no content will be generated
Encoder bitrate
Clipping, this cuts the first and last 16 rows of
Linear interpolation for interlaced videos
Cut the results
Use tcaud
Create DivX files
Use mencoder instead of transcode
cat *.vob | mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=700 - -o movie.avi;
Extract audio from video
mplayer -ao pcm:fast:file=audio.wav -vo null -vc null video.avi
mencoder mf:///tmp/foo/*.jpg -vf rotate=1 -mf fps=5:type=jpg -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o output.avi
animate -help
convert -delay 10 *.jpg out.gif
Automated picture manipulation
convert large.jpg -resize 50% small.jpg
Got pictures from different cameras from one event? Use the exif header in the JPEG pictures to extract the date and time and put it into the filename so you can sort the files chronologically. Make a backup and check you don't overwrite files!
Android creates for me files like this '2021-06-11 15.07.15.jpg'. To give them the same format:
Change the date from 2005 to 2006
n=`exif -t 0x9004 "$i" | grep ^" Value: " | sed s/^" Value: "// | sed s/2005/2006/`;
x="exif --ifd=EXIF -t 0x9004 --set-value="$n" $i";
eval "$x";
Change exif time and date by a given value
# Value from exif, e.g. " Value: 2018:09:10 08:22:36"
exif=`exif -t 0x9003 "$i"`
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Error getting exif date from $i"
# date as found in exif, e.g. 2018:09:10 08:22:36
date=`echo "$exif" | grep Value | sed s/^" Value: "//`
# date as understood by gnu date, e.g. 2018-09-10 08:22:36
dateFixedFormat=`echo "$date" | sed s/:/-/ | sed s/:/-/`
# seconds since epoch
epochSeconds=`date -d "$dateFixedFormat +0000" '+%s'`
# here add or substract what you want to change (in seconds), e.g. add one hour
epochNewDate=`expr $epochSeconds + 3600`
# calculate new date and time after your changes
newDate=`TZ=UTC date --date="@""$epochNewDate" "+%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"`
echo \""$i"\" \""$date"\" " -> " \""$newDate"\"
tmp=`tempfile` || exit
exif -o "$tmp" --ifd=EXIF -t 0x9003 --set-value "$newDate" "$i" || continue
mv "$tmp" "$i"